G SCOTT in a recent letter to your paper referred to a poll showing 16 per cent of the population would like to leave the EU while another 48 per cent wanted substantial changes made to the relationship, a total of 64 per cent unhappy with our membership of political Europe.

Reference to another poll in a major newspaper shows the figure wanting a referendum over total withdrawal to be as high as 71 per cent, while the same poll shows over 80 per cent believe that only British politicians have the right to make laws in Britain. Currently some 75 per cent of our laws start in Brussels.

So the questions are how can our politicians call themselves our representatives when virtually 100 per cent of them think the EU is right for Britain and how can we continue to pretend that this nation is a democracy when the will of the people is so blatantly overridden by MPs who have pledged to serve us?

Perhaps our Government representatives in Swindon, Mrs Snelgrove and Mr Wills, could offer some explanation. But I won’t hold my breath.

GREG HEATHCLIFFE (Press Officer, UKIP Swindon branch) Okus Road Swindon