M J WARNER wrote an excellent letter (SA, January 28) explaining exactly why the electorate should not trust the Conservatives with Government at the next General Election. But they also have no reason to trust New Labour.

A recent report shows thousands of children of school leaving age cannot read, write or do simple maths and we must not forget that they have only ever known a Labour Government and its policy of education, education, education. Most had not even started school when we last had a Tory Prime Minister.

Another report gives the lie to Mr Brown being ‘Britain’s finest ever Chancellor’ since we are in the worst possible position of any developed nation to cope with the recession. A really good Chancellor would have made sure that there was plenty in reserve to cope with any problems in the future.

We see daily the death and destruction of our brave Army fighting in illegal conflicts which this Labour Government forced upon us because it was too weak to say no to the USA.

We see too, massive economic waste due to our being in the EU and huge, unnecessary aid to countries well able to help themselves, for example, India with its nuclear bombs and Space programme, hardly signs of being poor.

Daily too, closer to home, we see scandal and corruption in both House of Commons and the Lords involving all three main parties since the Lib-Dems have been involved several times along with the other two.

In short both Labour and Conservative parties are spent forces bereft of ideas while the Lib-Dems are unelectable by any person not willing to see us totally overwhelmed by the greedy, even more corrupt and utterly destructive EU.

Why would anyone even think of electing one of these three stooges when a ready alternative, clean, honest and decent, is waiting in the wings?

GREG HEATHCLIFFE (Press Officer, UKIP Swindon branch) Okus Road Swindon