I AGREE with Chris Sheppard’s letter (SA, Feb 20, 2010) and with his thinking on the subject of climate change especially when he tells Des Morgan that he might be willing to bet the lives of future generations on his belief that climate change scientists are wrong, he is not.

A couple of years ago sitting on the prom in Torquay in early November, the sun shining and pleasantly warm I said to a couple sitting next to me that I was beginning to like this global warming.

The old lady looked at me and said, yes it’s very nice now, but we should be thinking of our grandchildren and their children, we can’t let them pay for our mistakes.

Des Morgan likes to disagree with obvious truths, remember his belief that American astronauts never landed on the moon, the whole episode was played out and filmed down here on Earth!

Could a hoax of that proportion be kept secret for so many years? Or did they shoot all those involved?


Groundwell Road
