I WAS not surprised to see that we are going to be charged for various uses of our hose pipes this summer. Now call me stupid but maybe these highly paid people who make these decisions have been holidaying too long in sunnier climes, in areas where only bottled water will suffice.

I say this because I cannot recall any period exceeding three days in a row since November 2009 where it has not rained. In fact it has quite literally thrown it down. Now if the water companies, who have a monopoly, say they are going to increase your water bill I would ask them why? To date they have had more than 30 years in control of the pipes and drains that control the ebb and flow of waster in this country, haven’t they managed to get it all under control yet?

Ironically the individuals who set the tariff we pay are also linked to the profitability scheme which affords them financial incentives and in turn these are linked to performance figures which give both these executives and the shareholders obscene bonuses, regardless of efficiency but more linked to revenue income. Are they likely to turn off the tap that fills their financial cup? I think not.

And guess what I even heard one say on the radio the other day: “We cannot rule out water rationing this summer.” WHAT? Hello? Is there anybody in that big office? I suggest you talk to the many readers of the Swindon Advertiser who were flooded out of their houses, had gardens wrecked, cars awash, possessions ruined by water that could not flow away because of the grossly poor performance of the water companies in correcting their mistakes from the past and incorrect planning for the future.

I know you will join me in applauding one senior individual who, when interviewed on radio recently, stated: “My family and I never take holidays abroad and we are well aware of the problems consumers have in such horrendous weather.” Guess what? He has a boat moored on the Thames and uses this for his family holidays - probably so he can ‘rise above’ all the bad publicity. That is a bit like the chairman of Barclays refusing to bank with his own bank and opening an account with Lloyds TSB.

GREG DUNNINGHAM Marlborough Road Swindon