I AM writing in response to Shirley Mathias' comments regarding my four-year-old son Zachary being let off the school bus.

It appears obvious she has no understanding of the situation.

The school bus is for children living in West Swindon whose designated Catholic school is Holy Rood Infants and Juniors in town.

This bus is for their sole use from age four to 11.

The decision to introduce Zachary to the bus was not taken lightly.

In fact, more than eight months has passed before I felt confident to do so, despite children of the same age using the service since September.

This incident occurred on his very first time travelling home.

I had contacted the school and asked them to call me to confirm he was on the bus, which they did.

Zachary was to get off the bus at the very first stop on the route home where I was waiting.

From departure the journey was 10 minutes in total.

What danger could he have possibly been in?

Yes, I entrusted the school bus service with his welfare, as I had no reason not to and I don't possess a crystal ball.

Before taking to the moral high ground and calling for a public judgment on my ethics as a mother, show your integrity by portraying the bigger picture to your readers.

I have now been forced to revert to using the car to take Zachary to school and home.

Not only am I clogging up the roads in rush hour traffic and polluting the atmosphere but will be helping the traffic wardens outside the school exceed their targets.

C DUNNE Toothill, Swindon