WHAT a sad day when the first sod was cut on our Front Garden project.

I actually hate Swindon and once my children are settled I'm out.

Coming here at the start of the 1970s it was a small to medium-sized town.

Walking through its centre you would speak with numerous friends. Was life slower?

The town council only wants city status at any cost to the environment, and the destruction of pasture lands.

I've read many historical Swindon accounts.

Whatever happened to the Goddard pledge on giving the Front Garden to the borough council for its people for recreational purposes?

Is this right legally? Can they condemn these fields for concreting and Tarmac?

How on earth did they get around that one?

This town used to be a pleasant dwelling once, now it is just like most overgrown suburbs, big, bad and ugly.

T TOWLER Walcot, Swindon