A BORN and bred Swindonian, who resided in Elmina Road, I have fond thoughts of the Gorse Hill I knew. My working life started at the age of 14 and a few months when I began as the errand boy at what was then the Co-op shop situated on the corner of Avening Street.

Prior to becoming an apprentice grocer, one of my duties was the delivery of orders and pushing a loaded handcart up what was then known as Crowdys Hill and beyond Stratton Crossroads in snow, rain or sunshine was my baptism to hard labour. I recall the fun we had after a heavy rainstorm when the dip in the road under the railway bridge filled with water and we rode our bikes though it.

Often on a Saturday afternoon we would go to the Palace cinema ‘tuppenny rush’ to see a programme of cartoons, a western and serial.

On my visits to Swindon I always made a point of renewing my memories with a walk along Cricklade Road to look at the shops I once knew and to wonder what had happened to the proprietors. I have many more stories of the former Swindon, in particular that part of the town where I grew up. Now at the age of 88 and resident in Australia, I often recall the names of former workmates and try to imagine their appearance today. Maybe I should close this correspondence now before I become too nostalgic.