THE government has decided to get rid of the May Day Bank Holiday, the reason that they give is it is that May Day comes within a cluster of bank holidays, but I suspect it is also for ideological reasons, because it is international labour day and was brought in by a Labour government. However I am unconcerned because we get many bank holidays and anyone wanting to dance around a Maypole or go on a workers’ rally can take a day's annual leave.

What concerns me is that the Government wants to move the bank holiday to October and call it UK Day or Trafalgar Day. I cannot see any reason to annoy our European neighbours by naming it Trafalgar Day, imagine the French having a Hastings Day holiday? I think it is great idea to have a national day, but why in the dark, dank and dirty weather of October. Surely July would be better when we could go out into the country for a picnic or have a street party to celebrate our nation. If it was towards the end of July it would not disrupt the school term.

Another bank holiday that needs to be changed is the Easter bank holiday, this should be fixed. Moving Easter bank holiday about plays havoc with school terms and often occurs in the cold snowy month of March. Anyone wanting to observe Good Friday could, like the maypole dancers and the workers on marches, take a day’s leave.

STEVE THOMPSON Norman Road Swindon