NOW that Scotland Yard is to release more details about phone hacking, the time has come for me to reveal the full extent of my bankrolling of the Labour Party before the media invent stories and run with nothing.

For as long as I can remember I have donated regularly to the Labour Party. My motives for this have been purely selfish. I wanted them to pursue policies that would benefit me, my family and my communities. I was pleased that from 1997 they adopted plans to introduce the minimum wage, increase greatly spending on health and education and improved social justice.

Looking at the policies adopted by the present Government made me question who pays into their coffers? Last week the answer was revealed that since David Cameron became leader of the Tories, over half of its donations have come from financiers and fund managers, this totalling over £11.5m.

It must be asked what policies these donors wanted?

Some would say that the dismantling of education and health, the dismissing of police and nurses and the slashing of grants to voluntary bodies are proof positive that the policies the Tories are adopting benefit the bankers, rather than those who voted for them.

BOB PIXTON Sedgebrook Liden Swindon