YOUR readers may have seen the recent news that a woman’s lifetime risk of developing breast cancer has risen from one in nine to one in eight.

As ambassador of leading support charity, Breast Cancer Care, I want to reassure any of your readers who are worried or confused by what these shocking statistics mean for them, their friends and their family.

Breast cancer is an extremely complex disease and we still don’t know exactly what causes it. Every person’s risk of developing it is individual and will largely be affected by things outside of their control. Lifestyle choices like drinking alcohol or not taking regular exercise can slightly raise your risk of developing breast cancer but the biggest factors are still two things you can’t change; getting older and being female.

As more and more people are diagnosed with the disease each year, it’s vital that all of your readers are breast aware - getting to know what is normal for them so they can spot any unusual changes and report them to the GP immediately.

Breast Cancer Care is just a phone call or mouse-click away for anyone affected by this news and for anyone dealing with a diagnosis. Our free helpine and information-packed website are there to help your readers learn more about breast awareness or to answer any questions they may have. For anyone who is already coping with the devastating impact of a diagnosis of breast cancer, their face-to-face services can be a lifeline, providing emotional and practical support in your local area whenever you need it most.

When I was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2002, Breast Cancer Care was there for me and my family every step of the way, so I know first-hand what a difference the charity makes. I urge any of your readers who need support to contact Breast Cancer Care on freephone 0808 800 6000 or visit


Ambassador, Breast Cancer Care

Great Suffolk Street
