I WISH Steve Rosier all the luck in the world in suing Swindon Council for money he has spent on plans etc for the Locarno.

This council is hopeless in making decisions, Mechanics’, Locarno, college - I could go on and on.

Why can’t they make any decision about things that will improve Swindon? They seem to be able to make them about things we don’t want or need. For example that awful fountain, plans for a canal that will never be built, grey slabs everywhere.

Nobody wanted them but they made the decision.

Anything that will help Swindon, they dither about, and it ends up costing us money.

For goodness sake get rid of them and get someone on the council who is going to listen and act for the people of Swindon.

(Mrs) L Townsend

Redcliffe Street
