I FELT a need to write on behalf of myself and my husband. All too often the NHS receives bad press but this communication brings only thanks and praise.

My 55 year old husband Harry, has recently been diagnosed with early onset Frontal Lobe Dementia (FLB). This came as a shock to both of us and all of our family and friends.

We first visited our GP (Dr Alan Whitworth from Home Ground Surgery) back in early 2010 who immediately realised that there was clearly a medical problem, albeit that the doctor was not familiar with Harry because he hardly ever visited the surgery. Dr Whitworth took the appropriate steps and by the time we got into the summer of last year Harry had received a diagnosis of the FLD from the mental health services.

Unfortunately Harry is no longer able to work and has also had his driving licence revoked by the DVLA because of his condition - which has taken the ‘wind out of his sails’.

All of the above would have been totally catastrophic for both of us had it not been for all the support the Victoria Centre has given (and our GP).

Thanks particularly to Dr Simon Manchip (Consultant) who has explained and answered numerous questions many times, about the disease - not only to us but also gave time to family and close friends; the Memory Clinic (where I have recently started a five weeks’ Carer’s Course which is proving invaluable) and their support with forms etc, the Forget Me Not Centre and all their staff - which Harry attends twice a week (which he is thoroughly enjoying and making him feel that he has a lot to enjoy and look forward too), the Speech and Language Department at the Victoria Centre who have visited Harry to carry out assessments and of course also or GP - who is so supportive of both of us. Without all the above help (not forgetting all the support staff in the Victoria Centre, and at the surgery, who help to make the wheels turn). I believe both Harry and myself would be in a very different position and feeling much more apprehensive about the future. We are of course still anxious because of an unknown future; but I know we have all the support we need with the above people to help us through a very difficult future.

And so in conclusion I can report that the NHS in Swindon, for us at least, is proving a lifeline at this difficult time. We both hope that all the services will be there, not only today, but for the future - for us and all those who face an unknown future with this awful disease - thank you.


Trent Road

Haydon Wick
