ONCE again what should have been a peaceful demonstration regarding proposed government cuts was taken over by members of the rent-a-mob brigade. The attacks on banks and other buildings in London did more harm than good to the cause of those protesting.

Peaceful demonstrations are of course a vital part of our democracy and long may this continue. Those organisations including the trade unions should now be fully aware that anarchists of the rent-a-mob brigade are hell-bent on taking over these demonstrations and perhaps the time has come for them to consider different ways of protesting.

The police have a very difficult time when such acts of vandalism occur but in the case of the recent events in London I feel that something went very wrong.

No one wants to see our policemen injured but I would have thought that the use of taser guns against these anarchists would have made arrests much easier. Under the circumstances their use would have been fully justified. Why the Home Office does not authorise the use of water cannon beggars belief.

Ed Miliband as Leader of the Opposition has every right to make his feelings known but before he does so, he and other members of the previous Labour government, should offer sincere apologies for the critical financial state that they left this country in and so made stringent cuts a necessity.

When, and I doubt that they ever will, will people listen when they protest.

The crisis is of their making and Gordon Brown and his government have a lot to apologise for.

R W SELWAY Burden Close Stratton St Margaret Swindon