THANK you Barrie Hudson for a very entertaining column about Swindon’s 102nd Music Festival. He’s right about the talented young musicians. Thank you too to the Adver for such excellent reporting of the Festival. But Barrie missed the talented oldies like Ray Howell (visiting for the first time for some years) and Mervyn Penny (who celebrated his 60th wedding anniversary by winning his class with Devon Cream and Cider).

I dare you Barrie to enter Wootton Bassett Arts Festival - music event from June 23 to June 26, 2011, and entertain us. Perhaps not with the recorder and the London’s Burning variations which would exceed the time limit. You could bring your triangle to the choral evening on Thursday, June 23 - just choose the hymn and we’ll all sing along with organ accompaniment and triangle obligato. Or on Sunday afternoon June, 26, you could bring a backing track of your favourite James Bond music and improvise to that. That class is Just for Fun - ideal for you.

The closing date is April 23, 2011 so hurry. Check out other classes on JOHN DAVIES

Wootton Bassett Arts Festival

Wootton Bassett
