THE other day I received through the post a pamphlet from the Boundary Commission, explaining the referendum on AV and how it would be carried out, it also explained about the review of constituency boundaries. However on page 8 the last paragraph stated; "At the end of the review, the UK Parliament will vote on implementing the new boundaries. If the new boundaries are implemented, the 'alternative vote' system will be used for all future elections to the House of Commons."

You may think I am paranoid but this seemed to imply that, whatever the people say in the referendum, Parliament could overrule by voting against the boundary changes. So I contacted the Boundary Commission and asked them to clarify the issue and received this reply.

‘Dear Mr Thompson The review of boundaries and the referendum on the Parliamentary Voting System were included in the same Bill that was passed by Parliament. If there is a yes vote in the referendum then the legislation provides for AV to be introduced for UK Parliamentary General Elections. However, because of the way the law is drafted, AV would not be introduced until new constituency boundaries have been approved.’

I think it absolutely appalling that a Bill could have been past by Parliament that allows MPs to go against the will of the people. What ever your opinion of AV I cannot believe any one could not be incensed by this breach of democracy.


Norman Road
