COUNCIL worker Alan Battman is upset that the Coate Water mini golf course in now called ‘crazy’ golf (SA, April 28). He feels that it may offend those who suffer from mental health issues.

In response, letter writer A Morgan says: “Words fail me, get a life!”

But I feel I must find words and make a plea for people like me, who for years have innocently referred to their ‘crazy paving’ garden paths.

Not wanting to cause offence to Mr Battman, or anybody else who may have mental health issues, I have tried to find appropriate terminology for my botanical pathway.

“Irregularly-shaped” paving should do, I thought. But what about all those sensitive people with irregular physical shapes?

“Casually-placed” paving? Might that not upset casual workers, implying that they are somehow downtrodden and unworthy?

After much thought, ruling out “higgledy-piggledy” in case it was thought to label pork farmers as undisciplined, I decided to admit defeat, dig it up and put down a gravel path instead.

Then my wife said: ”What about all those people with gravel rash...?”

It’s driving me bonkers! Or perhaps I shouldn’t say that, in case it upsets those who...

BASIL JONES Grosvenor Road Old Town Swindon